How To Engage Your Blog Readers

My first guest post! Janice at the helpful blog Reflections asked me to comment on reader engagement. I want to shout-out to and who have been with me from the beginning. They both share beautiful words and pictures. And Janice shares great blogging advice!


Welcome to my first guest post!

Do your stats show that readers are coming to your blog but leaving soon?  By looking at your stats page, you can see how long they stay.  Are you disappointed?

Engage readers so they stay loyal blog followers. Writing a blog entails engaging readers.

Linda and I met at a blogging class we took recently, we struck up a friendship, and I instantly checked out her site.  I was shocked by what I saw–smiley faces and the response to them.

Linda had written a post about smiley faces.  What impressed me more than her creativity (I wouldn’t know what to write about smiley faces,) was how engaged her readers were–I mean they were really engaged.  She had 21 “likes” on the post, and she had just written it.  There were already seven comments.  Seven comments and 21 “likes” on a post just published–I was impressed.

Is it magic?  Is it a mystery? …

View original post 649 more words

4 thoughts on “How To Engage Your Blog Readers

  1. Congratulations on your guest post, Linda! I’m clicking over now to read it, but even before reading I know it will be as well-written, thoughtful, and entertaining as all your others. And thank you for the shout-out — and especially for mentioning me in the same sentence as Lita!


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