Storytelling Without Expression

Photo challenge accepted: A Face in the Crowd. “Without facial expression, can you tell how someone is feeling?”

Here, Youngest Niece took a moment to herself while my dad and brothers set up the venue for my youngest brother’s wedding. I drove all the way there but they wouldn’t let me help, so I was free to wander around with my camera.

I’ve mentioned Manhattanhenge before; it’s when the setting sun lines up with Manhattan’s crosstown streets. Here, some spectators on West 57th Street look west at the setting sun.  I really like how the couple in the foreground seem to be collaborating on their picture. I wonder if the kid in mama’s arms cared one way or the other. Mostly strangers, everyone  wanted a nice sunset.

A couple of years ago I shared this picture from Costa Rica. There’s a determination in his work. A statue can’t feel but the artist definitely showed respect for the work of the street cleaners.

Curious about this photo challenge thing? Here’s the link to see other bloggers’ interpretations:

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