Layers of Architecture in Lower Manhattan

The US Post Ofice at Chambers Street, New York City, with the Oculus and new construction in the background 7-28-17 CREDIT Linda P. and The Linda Life Email before use: Linda_P@nyc.rr.comLower Manhattan shows how buildings old, new and under construction can coexist.

Buildings in Lower Manhattan 7-28-17 CREDIT Linda P. and The Linda Life Email before use: Linda_P@nyc.rr.comA glance up shows layers of age, material and level of shininess. A little architectural history remains, sandwiched between (and dwarfed by) all that is modern.

WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Layers

18 thoughts on “Layers of Architecture in Lower Manhattan

    1. Same here! I do think it should be touched upon in history classes to give the students a sense that the class work is relevant and visible in the here-and now!


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