Lovin’ The Summer Markets

Summer is a feast of colors. Even the ordinary  becomes an event, something to preserve on the always-handy phone.

Fresh corn is very popular

The farmer’s market  here is small by all comparisons, but a welcome diversion from the local offerings: restaurants and clothing stores.

street performers

Folk-type music on the steps of the post office



Andrew the friendly honey vendor. Note the word honey in Russian!

Apple bread

I always try to get some baked-apple product from this farm. This week: apple bread!

At the market

Although this market is year-round, it’s pretty desolate in winter. I love that in summertime, life  feels more like a festival.

6 thoughts on “Lovin’ The Summer Markets

    1. Before this market opened, I went to the larger, more known market in the City. But what we lack in size, we make up for in a local sort of friendliness. I imagine it’s great for the children to experience this too.


      1. Oh yes — supporting local markets is a gift in itself, but they’re usually so much more intimate and personal. And very good for the children to see and experience!


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